1. Fill out Mouse Line Information Form
2. Submit samples according to Instructions
3. Retrieve results on-line
4. View archive, browse images, download, print ...
© 2006-2024 GeneTyper - Mouse Genotyping Service U.S.: 646-258-8605 Email: info@genetyper.com New York, New York Europe: oxford@genetyper.com Oxford, UK
Information Request Form:
Send an inquiry, and let us know how to contact you.
High throughput PCR mouse genotyping service
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How to print out your
GeneTyper results --
Both Mozilla Firefox and
Internet Explorer 8 can
shrink images to fit a printed
page. If using Internet
Explorer 6.0, download the
jpg files to your computer and
use an image program, such
as Photoshop, to adjust the
width of the images to be 6
inches before printing. Make
sure the "Resample Image"
box in the "image size" option
is unchecked in Photoshop.
GeneTyper's mouse genotyping service is of the highest quality in the field. Savings
in labor, consumables and cost for animal husbandry can be realized.
How to Order:
(An account will be set up by GeneTyper after your first order.)